
my take on the presidential debate (and politics in general)

First off, I realize that what I am about to say is going to make some people angry.

Sorry, but I believe too strongly in this to stay silent on it.

It's about politics. *gasp*

I didn't watch the Presidential debate tonight, but I heard bits and pieces on the radio. I am very into politics, so hearing a debate between politicians is like candy for me.

You know, I think that both Governor Romney and President Obama did a fine job. They both made no bones about what they believe in. They were (for the most part) fairly civil towards each other. I think both men did their party well.

Here's what saddened me about this whole thing:

The twitter comments I saw (about both candidates) were unkind and downright mean. I realize that these men have made an unwritten agreement to be in the public eye and therefore subject to scrutiny and criticism.

I get it. I really do.

However, this brutal tearing-down of candidates simply because you don't agree with them has got to stop. I saw wonderful, kind men and women turned into monsters over this debate. I saw mudflinging and unkindness and unjust things said about both candidates. I heard the jeers and the sneers and the insults.

And it broke my heart.

I respect Governor Romney. And I respect President Obama. I respect anyone who has the courage to put themselves out there and take a stand for what they believe in.

Respect has no party. Love has no political agenda.

I have so much respect and admiration for both these men. Simply because they weren't afraid of what others would say. Because they had courage when jeered at and insulted and dragged through the mud.

And you know what? I wish them both well. I have a definite political leaning, but my party is not important in the least right now.

You know what's important?

Um, people.

aka Human beings.

Living, breathing, rational creatures who have a soul and a life and a voice that needs to be respected.

A life that needs to be cherished because of its innate worth, not what it believes.

That's what really matters. You can go on and on all the live long day about why what you believe is right, but if you don't have love and respect for other people, then you're missing out big time. Some of my best friends don't even come close to my political views, but guess what? They're human too. They still have beautiful hearts and minds and thoughts, and I love them to death.

Love has no political agenda. Respect has no party.

Love to you all.
